You can see by the photo of where the tub use to be, that we were successful in getting it out. But to do so, we needed to remove all the plywood surrounding it, some of the drywall, and some of the door frame. More than we figured on. We had it out by 3pm, barely. I called Urban Ore to see if they would pick up the tub? Yes, they would, and everything else, but we needed to schedule it. Okay, fine, so our house looks like white trash house for a few days. I mean, is it so bad to have a bathtub in your carport?
So after the phonecall, since we did not need to figure out how the two of us would get the tub into the van, we decided there was time to remove the rest of the drywall. Messy, terrible work that. I think we finished up about 6pm, exhausted.
Next on the docket: removing the floor tile. You can barely tell in that photo, but the floor (where there was no tub) is black slate. Yes, yes, very trendy the slate, but also very dark and IMHO impossible to keep clean-looking. It must go.
That is the plan for Day 3: remove slate. We have no idea if this will be Day 3 and Day 4 and possibly more or if we can get it all out in 1 day. It depends on how difficult it is, whether we need powertools we do not own, such as a jackhammer, and how much we want to try and keep the slate intact. The latter will be difficult as it is fairly fragile and will splinter. Even if we have to chip it out small bit by bit, we think we may be able to reuse it in other projects, such as cementing the side of the house.