Weekend Warriors

A three-day weekend holds so many possibilities. Yet, it's Monday evening, and I can barely stay awake to contemplate the idea of dinner after barely leaving the house in 3 full days. Three full days of demolition. That's right - demolition at our address continues.

Saturday was office demolition - this included some very dusty and unpleasant drywall removal, closet removal, and did I mention dust? We used a couple different weapons on the drywall: the sawzall, which worked pretty well, but made a heckuva lotta dust and spread it everywhere, and the dremel tool, which may never be the same again. The dremel also created tons of very fine white dust and got so hot it was hard to hold. One wall we were planning to tear apart turned out to be paneling glued to plywood and quite strong. We found there was actually insulation in this wall (surprising because so far we have found no other insulation in the entire house), and therefore we didn't need to take down the paneling or the plywood. We could work right on top of it. So that was good. One less wall to destroy. The other upside was getting to throw the debris out the window.

Sunday we removed the wall between the former office and the former bedroom. Now one room. And we demolished the drywall in the BR. This was done with MUCH LESS dust and much faster using a handsaw to cut through the drywall in between the studs and then simply pry it off in large pieces. The wall was taken down in a similar fashion via the sawzall - in 3-foot chunks of wall: drywall on one side, plywood and paneling on the other and 2x4's in between. Kind of fun. Again, everything went out the window:

Pity our neighbors.

And finally, on Monday, we took out the floor. This seemed to be especially draining work involving crowbars of all sizes and tons of tiny sharp nails. We also did some reconnaissance at the Home Depot to see if they had all the lumber we need to rebuild. Naturally, they do not. But we did happen across a guy with a truck who is willing to haul away our debris tomorrow morning. The neighbors will be thankful, I think. It is getting rather unsightly.
