Concrete is not just sand mixed with water into a nice paste that dries out and forms a hard structure. It's an exothermic chemical reaction. I knew this, I had read this, but somehow the experimentalist in me was not willing to truly believe until I experienced first-hand the magic of concrete.
"Concrete?" I heard you say. Yes, we are putting in our tub using concrete. This way it won't be moving around at all, full of water or not. Plus we think a nice concrete bed will spread the weight out better than just four feet.
Getting the concrete under the tub was a challenge. We had only one entry point available - see photo - and had to push the concrete under using a make-shift "concrete-pusher" or whatever you'd call a stick with a flat piece of wood stuck on the end.
Here you can see the tub sitting in its new, permanent home. Ahhh....
And, a few hours after installation, the bottom of the tub felt very warm to the touch! It's working! Concrete was being formed! A successful reaction was occurring. The experiment appears to be a success.
And, you may notice - it's almost starting to look like a bathroom!
"Concrete?" I heard you say. Yes, we are putting in our tub using concrete. This way it won't be moving around at all, full of water or not. Plus we think a nice concrete bed will spread the weight out better than just four feet.
Getting the concrete under the tub was a challenge. We had only one entry point available - see photo - and had to push the concrete under using a make-shift "concrete-pusher" or whatever you'd call a stick with a flat piece of wood stuck on the end.
Here you can see the tub sitting in its new, permanent home. Ahhh....
And, a few hours after installation, the bottom of the tub felt very warm to the touch! It's working! Concrete was being formed! A successful reaction was occurring. The experiment appears to be a success.
And, you may notice - it's almost starting to look like a bathroom!