Making Shelves

Why so few photos of late? Well, things have slowed down a bit. To tell the truth, motivation dropped substantially after the plumbing was all installed and we could actually use the bathroom. It took another hit when the closet went in, and big blow when the curtains went up and we could move into the bedroom. It almost seems like normal living now. How novel.

Yet, the "master suite" as we call it, is not finished. One major thing missing is shelving/storage. We have two medicine cabinets, so most daily use items are readily handy, but we are still building the water closet cabinet and the sink vanity.

This weekend, we put in the top shelf (Ipe) and inner shelves (melamine) in the water closet. Making the wood shelves is complicated for a couple reasons. The Ipe comes in 1x6 planks, which are basically 1 inch thick by 5.5 inches wide. We need the vanity and w/c shelves to be about 8 inches wide. We also, for aesthetic reasons, want them to look thicker. Thus, we had to cut planks in half and glue them together and also put in a miter corner so that they will look nice. The miter bit for the router was the strangest thing I have seen in a long time. It took a few practice cuts to figure out how to position it correctly. Then a lot of sawing and routing ensued.

We are now at the gluing stage. Gluing all the pieces together. They need to be held with clamps until the glue solidifies. See photo at right.

The sink vanity will have three shelves on each side, for a total of 6 shelves. We have a limited numer of clamps, so have to do everything in series.

The water closet is really a single wooden shelf with some much-easier to put together melamine pieces for the interior. As I mentioned, we just installed that shelf. It first had to be sanded since the thickness of the boards varied and our glueing technique is maybe less than perfect. Luckily, we have a nice big belt sander, which did the trick. You can see Dave sanding it in the photo left.

Now we have some storage space at last. The cabinet is obviously not finished yet. We will put in frosted-glass doors and we need to finish the tile underneath. But at least for now we have a place to store our toilet paper!
