More floor

Well, haven't been posting much. Guess we haven't really been working much. Got the walls all set, the windows in and hired our guy Shuja for the drywall. Then... well, travel, work, life.

But now back at it - need to get some flooring down. Parents are due in less than a month. If we get a floor in, then we just need a door, curtains, light fixtures, some paint, and a bed. I think it's doable...

Got the floor last weekend... put in some plywood subfloor. Hiring again for floor installation - the bamboo stuff is hard. Harder than any hardwood. Our nail gun is not up the task.

The flooring needs to acclimated for a little while before getting installed. This generally means to the temperature and humidity of the install location. We also wondered if it included the cat hair quotient.
